Some thoughts on monads
Yet another explanation on monads in the context of functional programming
I know, I know, the world does not need yet another explanation on monads. There have been a lot of related articles you can find on the Internet. Still, most of them are so math-intensive that we as software developers (we aren’t good at math) don’t want to read. So please give me a try to explain monads to you. I think they are worth knowing about. No math knowledge is required. What I want from you is just a basic knowledge of programming with types and functions.
Let’s say we have a collection of functions, each receives something of some type and returns something of some type. We denote them as:
f1: A -> B
f2: B -> C
f3: C -> D
f4: D -> E
Since these functions are type compatible – the output type of a function is the same with the input type of the next function – they are easily composable. For example, we can compose f1
and f2
to get a new function g
with type A -> C
, like this:
g = compose f1 f2
Or we can use the operator >>
g = f1 >> f2
One day, due to requirement changes, we modify the output types of some functions:
f1: A -> M<B>
f2: B -> M<C>
f3: C -> M<D>
f4: D -> E
where M<'T>
is some variant type of 'T
, for example, Option<'T>
, or Async<'T>
. Roughly speaking, M<'T>
is a “wrapper” of 'T
depicts a generic type with name T
.This situation is very common. Initially, the requirements of our software are simple; so, for example, f1
can return a value of type B
directly. Later, requirements are changed, we recognize that in some cases f1
can fail to return a value of B
and needs to return something like None
or Nothing
. In this example, the type Option<'T>
is used, the f1
function should return a value of type Option<B>
Now, the problem is that these functions are not composable anymore.
What should we do?
The magicCompose function
Assume that we could compose f1
and f2
by using a magicCompose
function, to get a function g
of type A -> M<C>
, like this:
g = magicCompose f1 f2
Let’s build magicCompose
and we will see that it is not magic at all.
The magicCompose
function receives f1
and f2
as input, its job is to produce a new function with type (a: A) -> M<C>
Firstly, a
is always passed to f1
, and something m
of type M<B>
is returned.
Secondly, m
is “unwrapped” to reveal something of type B
and that something will be passed to f2
. The result produced by f2
is the final result (of type M<C>
, of course). Sure, the unwrapping can be failed. In this case, it’s up to magicCompose
to determine something of type M<C>
as the final result, and f2
could be ignored.
The second step described above is actually over-specific, though it is the most common case. In general, at this step the magicCompose
function can do whatever logic, use m
and f2
in an arbitrary way, as long as it finally produces something of type M<C>
In fact, we need to make the magicCompose
function be generic so that it can work with other functions, like f3
, not only f1
and f2
. Thus, the type of the magicCompose
function should be generic:
('T -> M<'U>)
-> ('U -> M<'V>)
-> ('T -> M<'V>)
Use it:
magicCompose f1 f2
Or we can use the operator >=>
f1 >=> f2
means magicCompose
.The bind function
Sometimes, we don’t want to do magicCompose
on f1
and f2
. For example, we may call f1
first, then receive something m
of type M<B>
; or all we have is just something m
of type M<B>
Then we need a function which helps passing m
to f2
, and finally receive a result of type M<C>
This function actually does the second step of the magicCompose
function as described above. We call it the bind
function. The operator counterpart is >>=
The type of the bind
bind: M<'U> -> ('U -> M<'V>) -> M<'V>
Use it:
bind (f1 a) f2
bind m f2
Or using the operator >>=
f1 a >>= f2
m >>= f2
As we can see, the magicCompose
function is merely built on-top of the bind
means bind
.The unit function
How about the function f4
? Its type is still D -> E
, it is out of the league of functions with type 'T -> M<'U>
. Hence f4
cannot be composed with any function of that league in a uniform way.
So we need a way to convert f4
from type D -> E
to type D -> M<E>
That way uses a unit
function which transforms the output of f4
(type E
) to something of type M<E>
. So we can make f4
joining the league by writing:
f4 >> unit
Now, to compose f3
with f4
, we write:
f3 >=> (f4 >> unit)
The unit
function should be trivial / simple / stupid / straightforward / obvious. For example, if E
is int
and M<E>
is int list
, then unit e
should return a list with only one element: e
Type of the unit
function, generic, of course:
unit: 'T -> M<'T>
Notice that unit
is also a member of the league of functions with type 'T -> M<'U>
The map function
Sometimes, this code:
m >>= (f4 >> unit)
can be shortened as:
m <!> f4
The <!>
operator is called map
operator. In its function form, we write:
map m f4
We can see that the map
function is merely built on-top of the bind
and unit
map m f = m >>= (f >> unit)
Type of the map
map: M<'T> -> ('T -> 'U) -> M<'U>
means map
.Monad definition
Now we have the definition of a monad:
, together with the two functions bind
and unit
, define a monad.and recognize its importance:
There is an interesting analogy: if the set of the 'T -> M<'U>
functions was a set of numbers, then the magicCompose
operator would be an numeric operator like +
, and the unit
function would be the neural number (like 0
for +
, or 1
for *
This analogy leads to three laws of a monad.
The three monad laws
Strictly speaking, a true monad needs to obey the three laws below:
- Left identity:
unit >=> f = f
just like0 + n = n
or1 * n = n
. - Right identity:
f >=> unit = f
just liken + 0 = n
orn * 1 = n
. - Associativity:
f >=> (g >=> h) = (f >=> g) >=> h
just likex + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
orx * (y * z) = (x * y) * z
It is not that just because of the analogy we have these three laws. They also have practical benefits.
The practical benefit for the 3rd law is obvious: it would be very surprised for programmers when seeing f >=> (g >=> h)
produces something different from (f >=> g) >=> h
Regarding the 2nd law, consider when we want to magicCompose
a function f
with the identity function. The identity function is a function which returns output same as input, and is often denoted as id
. Since id
has type of 'T -> 'T
, we need to use the unit
function in order to make id
composable with f
, so we write:
f >=> (id >> unit)
In our subconscious, every function when composing with id
will produce the same function. We want this rule to apply to magicCompose
too. Therefore, we want to see:
f >=> (id >> unit) = f
Obviously, id >> unit = unit
, so what we want to see is actually the 2nd law: f >=> unit = f
And the 1st law is just a consequence of the other laws.
Keep in mind these three laws when designing the bind
and unit
functions of a monad. Make sure they are satisfied.
Final thought
Function composition is so important in functional programming that every functional language tries to make this comfortable as much as possible. In F#, to compose two functions with compatible types, we just use the built-in >>
operator; to compose two functions with incompatible types, we write a monad and often name the involved operators as >=>
for magicCompose
, >>=
for bind
, and <!>
for map
. The core library of the language also provides some handy monads such as Option
, Result
, and Async
. It even provides a killer feature called Computation Expressions
for situations where the use of operators causes harm to code readability.
To conclude, monads are just a design pattern – a very important pattern in functional programming – which aids function composition.